Gibril Deen, the "godfather of Africans" in Hungary finally brought back his traditional African new year's party alive after three years of shoddy organising. Arriving at the venue at about 10 pm, apart from the music being played, there was actually nothing signifying it was new year eve. I then joined members of my cultural groupe who w
Soon the crowd started trooping in. The bar had already full to the maximum capacity. So we quickly arranged our musical instrument on the stage.
At 11. 55 pm, M.C.Onyix started calling the attention of the crowd while D.J KOYA rendered the air unabated with music. Trust them, the children were already doing their own thing on the dance floor. Once again Onyix announced that everyone should hold high his or her glasses for a toast. And when the clock struck midnight, the crowd roared Happy New Year, hugged each other with kisses and the best wishes.
Shortly after that, the Sankofa cultural groupe mounted the stage. Although the stage was too small, we managed to give the crowd some of our best tracks ending with a big applause from the crowd.
D.J. KOYA, an African Hungarian, blasted us with the latest hits upon hits from the continent.
By half past two in the morning, the CUBA DUET mounted the stage with their HAVANA feelings. In fact, they thrilled the crowed to the extent one could not stay cool without trying the salsa dance. And this reminded me of the old time at the TRACADERO CLUB. The whole place was full of smile, joy, laughter and happiness.
Dava Gin and the African Melody also mounted the stage in their own style. Oh gosh, when the three white girls started rolling, jerking and shaking their bodies to fire dance; the crowd couldn't resist. And then the spraying (of money) started making us feel at home. Their show also ended with a great applause.
Mr.Frimpong Maxwell and his family won the quiz competition after which the whole show was left for master D.J.KOYA. He blew and drowned us in dancing with the latest hits from Cairo to Cape town.
In all, it was a cherished moment to share without segregation of the races, ushering in the year 2008.
Happy new year to all Africans and those who are connected with Africa and its diversify interesting people.