Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Before They Destroy This Nigerian

Comment and Analysis

By Hakeem Babalola

I do respect people's opinion including that of Olapite's romance with Hitler but he should have known the consequences of dallying with such man - even under duress. Surprisingly it appears Olapite was totally oblivious of the aftermath of his action.

And it is on this observation I want to draw the attention of well meaning Nigerians and Africans both in Hungary and beyond to help save our brother from destroying himself or before they destroy him just because he wants to maintain a certain tempo in the showbiz world.

Though badly damaged I predict that Fekete Páko will overcome this malicious gossip. I hope this harrowing experience will lure him back to his senses. He needs a good lawyer though. And where are the Hungarian lawyers of African descent?
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