From the day he was sworn-in as the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I had also sworn not to recognise him as such. For the first time in my life I strongly believe I have had enough. Yes, enough is enough. I felt that unless people like me take such stand, certain class of people would always take us for a ride.click and read more
Hakeem Babalola:
Nigeria’s elections have always been fraught with rigging and imposition of an unwanted presidential candidate on the masses. I am surprised you are just catching on. Have you forgotten the Obasanjo election? Obasanjo was also imposed on Nigerian masses just as Yar’ Adua.
My advice to you is that you do not hold your breath over Yar’ Adua having to give up his role as Nigerian President. I will suggest you do not camp out for that to happen because it’s not going to happen. I hate to tell my brother, you can hold your breath all by yourself and please don’t count on some of us to join you.
Will you please join me in my quest not to recognise Mr Yar’adua as
my dear, be rest assured dat the man yar'adua is not my president..for me he is just a diabolical THIEF....only people with dubious characters would see dat CHAP, yar'adua as their president..indeed!
you have written good...merci!
=denker;2091819860>my dear, be rest assured dat the man yar'adua is not my president..for me he is just a diabolical THIEF....only people with dubious characters would see dat CHAP, yar'adua as their president..indeed!
you have wriiten good...merci!
Dude... get over it!
He is the President (period)
"diabolical thief ? That statement is a head scratcher!:confused1 where do you come off making that statement..
Hey... lets move on..
I've sometimes wondered if he is addressed as "His Excellency" and if he responds cogently when so addressed. If the answer is in the affirmative, then it leaves one with the inference that Nigeria is at a level of mediocrity that we should stop claiming to be who we are not compared to other nations in Africa.
Hi, folks!
It is on record that General Okikiolakan Olusegun Aremu Matiyu Obasanjo (GCFR), by virtue of various obvious political handicaps that he had as at 1999, lost votes EVEN in his ward, right in front of his residence, lost his local government votes, lost Ogun State votes, lost the South West geopolitical zone (all to AD), and yet WAS the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for two uninterrupted terms, close to one decade!
Every village drunkard, indeed, every rural imbecile in Nigeria knows very well that General Olusegun Obasanjo was forcibly imposed on Nigerians for eight (8) years by grossly fraudulently manipulated elections. In short, a dangerous precedence has already been set by OBJ.
Today, General Okikiolakan Aremu Obasanjo actually fools himself that he is a king maker, even when he knows fully well that he has no political clout beyond the autocratic abuse of power whenever he happened to have had the opportunity to do so: that is to say, a burnt-out geriatric dictator in full frontal confrontation with the cosmic laws of divine retribution: karma!
Dan bura uba ..... Shege!
Wonders shall never end in the armpit of Africa: in the vicinity of the Gulf of Guinea!
Muchas gracias.
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