Friday, 14 March 2008

Hungarian Minister Inaugurates African Hungarian Platform

By Archie Bonka

The Hungarian Foreign Affairs Minister, Gönc Kinga, on Thursday April 10 officially opened another forum in which Hungarians and Africans could share mutual ideas in the hope to improve the lot of their "people".

The event which was held at the Vista Travels Conference Centre was tagged Magyár Afrika Platform.

Speaking with this reporter, Gal Lászlo, co-president of the organisation, shed light on the reason behind this particular platform. He said: "Since there are a lot of individual civil groups, businesses, NGO's with the same objectives to help develop both continents in terms of business and humanitarian, it would be a great idea to come together".

In attendance were crops of African diplomats in Hungary and top business executives who used the occasion to promote their interests.

Ambassador Joao Miguel of the Republic of Angola reminded the audience on the importance of doing business in Africa. "Hungary can achieve a lot in terms of trade and development," he said.

Although his speech was accorded with applause, it failed to convince certain people who strongly believe there should be more Africans in an event that largely focuses on Africa.

Perhaps it was this development that prompted Mr. Tunde Komolafe, the General Secretary of the African Hungarian Union, to pose a question which, according to this reporter was not satisfactorily answered. Mr. Komolafe had asked the reason why there were very few Africans in such an event that largely concentrates on Africa.

Apparently, it was different strokes for different folks when his Excellency, the Algerian Ambassador to Hungary extended his invitation to the Hungarian President to visit Algeria in order to explore new areas for the development of Algeria.

Entz Boldiszar, the honorary Ghanaian Consulate, also said that Hungary has a lot to gain if it can liaise with the Ghanaian students who studied in Hungary and who are now holding top positions in both government and professional fields.

The following are the orgarnizations under the platform: Afroaid Egyesület, Afrikáért Alapitvány, Ahead global kht, Be fair!Alapitvány, Emberi Jogok védelméért és a Nemzetkőzi Jog Kutatásáért, Kőzhaszmú Egyesúlet, Hello Africa Egyesűlet, Magyar Kőztársaságban Akkreditált Tiszteletbeli Konzuli Testület, Szahara Alapitvány,Taita Alapitvány, Vilagsuli Alapitvány.

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