Thursday, 6 August 2009

How the Nigerian Union Hungary is Being Managed

A Special Report
by Hakeem Babalola
For the Record

The Nigerian Union Hungary was founded in 2001 amidst accusation, controversy and scepticism surrounding the outcome of the election in which Peter Ihaza defeated Charles Akpan, a non-diplomat employee at the Nigerian Embassy - to become the first president - a post he held until 2007 when another election aided by the Caretaker Committee was conducted. read more


osoba said...

Nigerian Union, Why has thou fallen apart? Your children are scattered and no one is there to fend for them . Once , a leader was there in the far distance to help her but she rejected her assistance and disgraced him publicly, whoa what a shame.

But Alas, there is light after all the dark days. l see a leader coming , a visionary leader with purpose and with strength to help her . She will be adorned with her beautiful dress again and her glory will flourish like a little princess.

Your former leaders tried and they did their best ,they were ready to deliver but were not given the support and were made to look like an invisible leader which they were not.

Your children will soon be happy , l see a future , glorious and beautiful , just wait, please wait, He is coming very very soon.....

Long live Nigeria, long live Nigerian Union

Engr Osoba Mobolaji Daniel
University Of Birmingham(
Department Of Mathematics and Education

Anonymous said... not surpirsed for wherever we are we make trouble.

Good exposure.

Amobi Ugu said...

It appears that the troubles plaguing your union is the same plaguing the nation...we are in trouble.

Amobi Ugu
York University
Toronto, Canada

edwin aligwo said...

please consider this,to put to death the tribal sentiment,corruption,looting of nigeria state,we are suggesting 4 republic out of nigeria state - AREWA REPUBLIC for the north, ODUDUWA REPUBLIC for the west, NIGER DELTA REPUBLIC for the south and BIAFRA REPUBLIC for the east. oil or no oil.
please send your suggestions

Ade Ness said...


You have just outlined the reason why our country cannot progress....this is a disease of the Nigerian, not the black man in general. May God help us all.

Ade Ness
Harrisburg, PA

Clearwater said...

Hello Hakeem,

Thanks for giving us a sharp and detail insight of what is going on in the union of Nigerians Hungary.

Having said that, I believe you write from your abode which is Hungary? could you please tell me what your stake is in this union? You are a writer fine! Dont you have a Nigerian background that qualifies you to be member of that union? And if you are a member, why cant you take up the secretaship and be a part of a mechinary that is striving towards re-shaping a battered organisation.

Hakeem, I do not believe you can stand on a threshold and expect miracle in a room before you step in! Meanwhile I am finding it extremely difficult undrstanding where you stand in all these!

Your story could probably be more ballance if there was a scenero where your name featured, haba.

Rutha Omenka said...

Nigerians will be Nigerians no matter where they are...I hope you guys are able to pull yourselves together...great essay otherwise.

Rutha Omenka
Abuja, Nigeria