Africans in
From Tunde Komolafe who has added another feather to his cap by being knighted by "The Sovereign Order of St -Ouen and Star"; to Fekete Páko whose funny bait has entrapped his Hungarian fans like hook to fish; to Toyin Akinwumi who has been described as the Nigerian Traditional Music Ambassador in
Yes Africans may still be at the incipient stage of development in
From SANKOFA GROUPE who performed at a concert where Hungarian students raised fund to build hospital in Kabinda, Eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo; to The African Melody Band spearheaded by the duo of Dava and Bertha, who seem to be taking cultural awareness to another level when they performed at a Zoo party; to Miss Afro Pageant, again organised by Tunde Komolafe who described himself as a survival.
Methinks Africans are a determined lot. Hence it should be a study case why majority of them who could not make it in their different countries find success in a foreign country. However, they should not let their new status goes into their head. Let them probe and demand normalcy from their different governments. Let them use their exposure to help uplift their different countries.
From Gibril Deen, who was once described by the first English Newspaper in Hungary, The Budapest Week, as The African godfather in Hungary; to Sammie Adetiloye whose website is becoming a source of information; to many businessmen and women who have opened Internet cafe, and those who sell clothes in the market; to those who have African boutiques; to Afrique Internationale, a football club.
Man must not live by bread alone, so says that knowledgeable book. Therefore, Africans in
But let us do more than the old folks surreptitiously posing with the young. Let us do more than just parading young girls half-naked. Let us advance a bit so that it would be more than just Hungarian helping African children. Let us institute an intellectual agenda in which eminent African Scholars, economists etc would be invited. Let us not forget why we could not go back to our different countries.
From Ledon Sylla who is a consultant and event organiser to DJ Edward and DJ Lekki to Dynamous Band; to Slang and Revolution; to Ayo Adams and Onix; to Oji Adisson who works in one of the most expensive restaurants in Budapest; to Tunde Adeosun and John Oni, the duo who helped sustain the Nigerian Union Committee; to Daniel Israel whose play - A Mermaid's Wedding - is expected to come up in March 2008; to Klara Bassey, who perhaps is the happiest woman on earth today. She knows why.
Oh, I almost forgot. Hungary has joined Schengen States, a relief to those of us who have refused to change our identity. This simply means we can also travel to several European countries without visa. Isn't it ironical then if African citizens must secure visa in order to cross other African borders? O ma se o (it's a pity).
Finally, I would like to see the African embassies in
Happy New Year
Unfortunately most Africans in Budapest, Hungary are up to no good, especially the Nigerians.
They do not work and hang around the main squares all day dealing in anything from counterfeit goods to drugs!
It is sad, but Hungary has attracted the criminal element!
I hear that there will soon be some police action against these undesirables and not before too long!
It's a pity my friend, that you only see those, who r not ready 2 contribute 2 da hungarian economy....But they r evrywhere, not only in Hungary, i believe they were already like this (criminals) in Naija...we cant help that...But believe me, there r many, who r tryin not 2 do so....There r many hardworkin' nigerians in Hungary!Smtimes u should see da brigth side of da things too.....
Ledon Sylla is a cheater and liar. don't you ever get in business relation with him...
Why are these things being said about Ledon? What has he done to make you believe so?
Fuck Ledon! He is nothing but bitch.. Always hiding wen he must owe you money.. Fuck Ledon Sylla!! Do not trust him my friends!
Very pathetic that you must come to a blog to speak such foolishness. Everyone has their faults but Ledon is far from a bad individual.
Christophe Alain Sylla aka Ledon is in Jail.
File all your problems with him at the police. he did everywhere the same nonsense.... so he has to finally stay in jail als long as possible!
Why you speak anonymous? cool enough to show up your bitch ass mfkun face? hell is wrong with ya all? human being is aloud to make mistakes, but only animals are able to support their speciality in anything they are done, so sad isn't? so instead of bullshitting and bitching around him, go and do something special, something that ur cheap ass will be pround about, like fuck ur damn wife and make her happy. assholes
Ledon Sylla is now in Istanbul and he changed his name to Christophe Alain Mendes Dias. Still using Ledon. He is chasing investors to get money for his business and doesn’t pay anyone. He doesn’t even pay his rent. Everyday another victim and he is lying and manipulating people like he is the victim.
to Nora;
You have no idea what is coming for you. All those posts and this slandering will cost you a hefty price and we are obviously not talking money as payment. We will visit your loved ones in France and make them pay the price of your arrogance, ignorance and slandering. No such things stays unpunished. You WILL pay.
Ledon you mother fucker. Give me my money back. I swear to God I will fucking fuck you wife and you virgin little daughter. I will follow you step by step even to hell you motherfucker.
Hello to all who wanted Ledon in APRIL 2021 .
He also get my money and never pay me back .
i collect a lot of informations about him if you want your money back.
Contact me by email : wantedbygodh@gmail.com
Damn this nigga still alive 😂I thought someone would have murdered his ass by now 😂🔥
Well to know he has a wife and a daughter, maybe he will also be interested to know he also has another child in a near by country of his work. Who the crazy ass woman who took this man. A liar, a cheater, all he do is asking for money, plus a small dick nigga.
You can do nothing, except cheat and still you small dick ass nigga who can't properly cum. Salute
I believe I met Ledon Sylla recently for a business meeting but he came across abit secretive so Im trying to find more information before closing a deal with him. Can anyone help me explain what he has done badly in his past?
Wait are you telling me that ledon Sylla is the same person -christophe alain Mendes dias. Ledon mendes dias… are all tje same person? Who works in fashion…
If any body knows Ledon contact me please
Pls email me wslformula@gmail.com I know Ledon
I know ledon, he is the friend of my friend please write me at beautycompetitiondubai@gmail.com
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